Week 1 - Blockout in UE5 w/ first lighting pass
Week 2 - Half of high-res and game-res models complete
- Chain Link Fence
- Steps
- Step Blocks
- Background Wall
Week 4 - Final textures, materials, decals, final lighting pass & rendering
Same workflow as last sprint. Optimized geo and UVs for the assets below. Applied ID masks by assigning colored materials in Maya and edgewear via RGB masks using AO/curvature in Substance Painter. Looked a bit into making projected decals in Unreal.
Assets Assigned:
✅ Hallway Wall
✅ Hallway Floor/Ceiling
Week 1 - Blockout in UE5 w/ first lighting pass
Week 2 - Half of high-res and game-res models complete
Week 3 - All models complete, UVs, material IDs, & bake test
Week 4 - Final textures, materials, decals, final lighting pass & rendering
No lighting this time! We're working on a new workflow for texturing using RGB masks in Substance Painter and Unreal to apply tiling textures and edge wear variation. I also had to go back and optimize some geometry and UVs for existing assets.
Assets Assigned:
✅ Window Wall
✅ Door Wall
✅ Factory Door
✅ Light Fixture
✅ Switch Plugin
✅ Switch Shoot