Monday, December 6, 2021

VR Environment (Week 7)

This week I finished sculpting and texturing the torii gate, steps, and lamps. All of my textures have been polished and finalized. I changed the skysphere back to Unreal's because I didn't like the one I made. I pushed the textures on my mountains based on last week's feedback. There's still a lot of things I didn't get a chance to polish such as adding: snow meshes, a moon texture, particle effects, and polishing the grabbable object. These are the things, on top of new critique that I hope to finish by industry review.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Tangled VR (Week 6-7)


Ship & Lanterns

This is the final week of proxy leveling! All of the assets have been placed in the scene with placeholders or proxy models. Placeholder files have also been made and organized in our project directory. Based on critique, I textured the castle's silhouette to show a little bit more detail. I also applied some materials to separate values from the ship's wood and sails. I also learned Maya's MASH to make a volumetric group of lanterns as a placeholder for the particle system and placed them accordingly within our scene.

Castle Texture


