Monday, August 1, 2022

Common Art III - Final Delivery

Final touches to lighting! Changed all light intensities to response to a timeline curve in each step blueprint. For Step 4, had to make the main lights flicker off and then turn back on to highlight the scan animation. Made lights along pipes to turn on according to material progression in Steps 2 and 5. Adjusted lights in the End Screen level and for new matte-paintings. And most importantly, set the record of fastest speed-run for the experience at 15 seconds.

Below are the nodes I had to set up for Step 4 lighting. Basically, I replaced all the Set Visible nodes with Set Intensity ones and controlled the target light's intensity using a timeline curve. Most of the timelines have a linear curve to ramp up each light, but I also included a flicker effect in Step 4 with an example screenshot below.

Step 4 Blueprint

Timeline for Flicker Effect

Step 5 was one of the more complex blueprints because it had more lights being animated. Again, same process: attached a Sequence > Timeline > Set Intensity. Inside the timeline, I created a float track for each light I'm targeting and animating independently from each other. Then, I hook it up all accordingly.

Step 5 Blueprint

Lights for Matte Paintings

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