Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Metroid VR (Sprint 5)

Gathered references for lighting and did a first pass. Goal of the first pass is to establish mood and what neutral lighting would look like when no events are happening.

Introduction to forum post:

Lighting References

Monday, March 14, 2022

Organic Creature (Week 2) - High-Res

 Final grey sculpt for Haxorus. Adjusted the A-Pose for better rigging. Also gathered more references based on toys/figurines.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Organic Creature (Week 1) - Proxy & High-Res

Doing Haxorus from Pokemon. Love this dude. Proxied some poses in maya and started modeling him in ZBrush in an A-Pose. Of the poses I like #2 the most. I feel like it has the best silhouette in a 360 turn around which is also why I added a bit more blockout to the mesh.